What is known today as Caribbean Ministries Association began in the late 1980’s as a series of short-term mission trips from Woodland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Lighthouse Baptist Church in the settlement of James Cistern in Eleuthera, Bahamas. After experiencing first hand some of the struggles of these believers, the church elders began to ask for additional help.
Over the course of the next decade, with the assistance of leaders in the local Brethren assemblies in Eleuthera and Nassau, the concept behind Eleuthera Bible Training Center (EBTC) took shape, culminating with a grand opening in the spring of 2002. In 2004, EBTC graduated its first class of pastors: 10 bi-vocational men from the island, representing 7 different churches and 5 different denominations, who persevered through 500 hours of coursework in biblical studies. Each one testifies of how much better equipped he is to shepherd the people of God in Eleuthera.
In 2005, CMA added Nicaragua missionaries, Carl and Kathy Most who were involved in youth leader training in partnership with the Nehemiah Center in Managua. Since then, Carl and Kathy have seen this training expand and multiply to other parts of Nicaragua, including León and Esteli.
Today CMA has expanded to many islands and countries throughout the Caribbean and Central America, and continues to look toward the future of providing accessible and affordable theological training.

Chris and Madeline Yancey (pictured with Gloria, Levi, and Luke) are missionaries serving in Central Ecuador. They are serving alongside the PESCA foundation—A Project of Evangelism and Social Work Covering the Amazon Region— to help train Ecuadorians to reach their neighbors for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Chris and Madeline serve alongside local missionaries, pastors, and churches to help raise up the next generation of Ecuadorian Christian leaders through church planting, pastoral training, evangelism, community development, and camp ministry.
If you would like to receive monthly updates from the Yancey family, please click here to sign up for their e-newsletter.

West Georgia
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The West Georgia Fellowship of Christian Athletes is present on 18 of the 21 schools in Carroll, Haralson, and Heard Counties. Coaches and students are meeting weekly to study God’s Word together. FCA has provided these schools with ministry materials including nearly 3,000 Bibles over the past few years. To volunteer at one of these local schools contact Jeff Hughes
Carrollton Baptist Association
We are a fellowship of 45 Churches and missions in Carroll County, northern Heard County, and Paulding.
As an Acts 1:8 Association, we work together to reach our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and uttermost parts of the earth, for the Kingdom of God.
Mission Statement
The Carrollton Baptist Association actively and intentionally exists to serve by encouraging, strengthening, and mobilizing its congregations to become Great Commission churches.

What is known today as Caribbean Ministries Association began in the late 1980’s as a series of short-term mission trips from Woodland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Lighthouse Baptist Church in the settlement of James Cistern in Eleuthera, Bahamas. After experiencing first hand some of the struggles of these believers, the church elders began to ask for additional help.
Over the course of the next decade, with the assistance of leaders in the local Brethren assemblies in Eleuthera and Nassau, the concept behind Eleuthera Bible Training Center (EBTC) took shape, culminating with a grand opening in the spring of 2002. In 2004, EBTC graduated its first class of pastors: 10 bi-vocational men from the island, representing 7 different churches and 5 different denominations, who persevered through 500 hours of coursework in biblical studies. Each one testifies of how much better equipped he is to shepherd the people of God in Eleuthera.
In 2005, CMA added Nicaragua missionaries, Carl and Kathy Most who were involved in youth leader training in partnership with the Nehemiah Center in Managua. Since then, Carl and Kathy have seen this training expand and multiply to other parts of Nicaragua, including León and Esteli.
Today CMA has expanded to many islands and countries throughout the Caribbean and Central America, and continues to look toward the future of providing accessible and affordable theological training.

Chris and Madeline Yancey (pictured with Gloria, Levi, and Luke) are missionaries serving in Central Ecuador. They are serving alongside the PESCA foundation—A Project of Evangelism and Social Work Covering the Amazon Region— to help train Ecuadorians to reach their neighbors for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Chris and Madeline serve alongside local missionaries, pastors, and churches to help raise up the next generation of Ecuadorian Christian leaders through church planting, pastoral training, evangelism, community development, and camp ministry.
If you would like to receive monthly updates from the Yancey family, please click here to sign up for their e-newsletter.

West Georgia
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The West Georgia Fellowship of Christian Athletes is present on 18 of the 21 schools in Carroll, Haralson, and Heard Counties. Coaches and students are meeting weekly to study God’s Word together. FCA has provided these schools with ministry materials including nearly 3,000 Bibles over the past few years. To volunteer at one of these local schools contact Jeff Hughes
Carrollton Baptist Association
We are a fellowship of 45 Churches and missions in Carroll County, northern Heard County, and Paulding.
As an Acts 1:8 Association, we work together to reach our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and uttermost parts of the earth, for the Kingdom of God.
Mission Statement
The Carrollton Baptist Association actively and intentionally exists to serve by encouraging, strengthening, and mobilizing its congregations to become Great Commission churches.